We founded loveitfashions.com with one goal in mind: giving our customers a fair, rewarding and enjoyable shopping experience. We conduct business according to the same values and we know that the better our service, the more customer loyalty we enjoy. Our store policies are detailed below. Please have a look at them and contact us if you want to learn more.
How It Works
Currently we ship to Ireland, the UK, and the rest of the world. All orders within IRELAND are delivered within 2 - 5 working days. You will receive your shipment confirmation shortly after your order confirmation email.
If you live outside of Ireland, the following delivery timelines and costs apply:
UNITED KINGDOM: Up to 2-3 weeks due to Brexit (€8.00) ** Please note import fees, averaging from 10-16% are not included in this.
REST OF THE WORLD: 5 - 20 working days (€20.00)
**Please note shipping may take longer during peak periods and during Brexit transition
We ship all orders via DPD Courier and An Post
All the Details
You have 14 days from receipt of your item(s) to return them to us. Any items received after this date will be sent back to the original delivery address.
Items must be returned to our Tuam store in their original packaging, unworn, with tags still attached. Returns must also include a filled out Returns Form (included in your delivery package).
All goods will be inspected on return and they will be returned immediately if they are in breach of any of the conditions above.
Please note, the item(s) are your responsibility until it reaches us. It can take up 14 working days for your item to reach us, the return to be processed and for the amount to be refunded to your account.
Customers are responsible for the cost of postage.
All the Details
Due to our promotion of "BUY ONE GET ONE HALF PRICE", all sale purchases are FINAL (this is regardless to whether the promotion was applied or not EG: if you bought one sale item and didn't benefit from the discount). No exchanges / credit notes / refunds will be issued.